8. september 2010

Oleg Anissimovile 6- kuuline võistluskeeld

30. mail 2010a Euroopa meistrivõistlustel Oleg Anissimovi antud dopinguproovist leiti keelatud ainet 4-metüül-2-heksamiini (tegemist on stimulandiga).

Juhtumit menetles Euroopa Antidopingu Komisjon. Oma seletuskirjas nimetatud komisjonile märgib sportlane, et oli EM-ks ette valmistedes eriti tähelepanelik ja ei kasutanud medikamente. Ta oletab, et antud aine võis tema organismi sattuda teatud toidulisandist, mida ta ostis Hollandis 14.-17. mail toimunud meeste EM-i ajal.

Euroopa Antidopingu Komisjon karistas Oleg Anissimovi 6- kuulise võistluskeeluga.
Tema tulemus EM-l on tühistatud ja ta peab tagastama auhinnad.

EKFL juhatus

Lisatud EADC märgukiri

Letter of Notice of Final Finding

*The IFBB is a Signatory to the World Anti-Doping Agency (“WADA”) Code and, by means of its Anti-Doping Rules, conforms to the Code. All Members of the IFBB, including members of IFBB Affiliated or Recognized Federations, are subject to the Anti-Doping Rules and Code. The Anti-Doping Rules and Code may be viewed at [url=http://www.ifbb.com]www.ifbb.com[/url].

September 2nd, 2010

President/General Secretary
Estonian Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation

RE: European Women´s and Men Fitness Championships Competition Test Perfomed – Novi Sad. Serbia, May 30th, 2010

Athlete: Anisimov Oleg

The EBFF Anti-Doping Commission (“ADC”), with respect to the above named competition and Athlete, and

1. In view of the fact that the Athlete’s “A” sample, code number 2389000, did return an Adverse Analytical Finding for 4-methyl-2 hexamine
2. Having asserted that these findings constitute a violation of Article 2.1 of the IFBB Anti-Doping Rules; specifically, “the presence of a Prohibited Substance or its metabolites or markers in an Athlete’s Sample”; and
3. Given the fact that, pursuant to rules enacted for this purpose, the Athlete was notified of his right to a hearing and did not exercise this right;

the ADC finds,

1. That the Athlete did commit an Anti-Doping Rule Violation pursuant to Article 2.1 of the IFBB Anti-Doping Rules; and
2. That the sanction for such a violation is a period of ineligibility of six months [first offence].

It is therefore the decision of the ADC that Athlete Anisimov Oleg is suspended for six months, May 30th, 2010 to November 29th, 2010 inclusive.

In addition, the Athlete is disqualified from the above named competition, to include the forfeiture of any placings, titles, medals, points, certificates and/or prizes.

During the suspension, the Athlete is prohibited from competing, giving a guest posing exhibition, presenting a seminar, coaching or training other member-athletes, judging or otherwise officiating at a competition, organizing or assisting in the organization of competitions or other events, or acting in an administrative capacity, whether in his or her own country, or in any other country, for the IFBB or any IFBB-recognized National Federation.

Pursuant to Article 20.1 of the IFBB Constitution, the Athlete has the right of appeal, said appeal which must be filed with the office of the IFBB President [at Internacional@santonja.com] within twenty-one days of the date of this letter or the right of appeal shall be lost. The appeal, by written submission only, will be heard by a separate and independent IFBB Appeal Commission.

The President/Secretary General of the Athlete’s National Federation is responsible for immediately notifying the Athlete of the contents of this letter and for communicating the Athlete’s response to the ADC within the deadline. All communications will be carried out by electronics means only.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Milan Cizek, PhD.
Chairman of European ADC

Autor: EKFL